(#192) Be Brave and Go There

 If I have learned anything over the years, playing it safe is usually the biggest risk…
We could well find ourselves in an unacceptable environment that we
quietly let grow around us.

Martin Niemöller spent seven years in a Nazi concentration camp.  He may be known best for his quote:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.

While the quote may appear with some variation of wording, the message I have always taken from it is that we need to stand up when we see injustice.  Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us that “An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Some very wise friends have told me for years that at times we must “surrender” and understand what we cannot change.  An old college friend (at my age, is there anything other than an “old” college friend? I digress….) and life-long dedicated educator shared with me that in order to survive it might just be better to “not go there.” And, you know at times, that may be the best option.  What was it our parents and teachers told us? “Know when to pick your battles.”

Video recommendation for the week:

Consider Minnie Jean Brown-Trickey, though.  She was one of the Little Rock Nine.  I cannot even imagine what it must have been like for those young students and their parents when they walked through angry mobs into Central High School in 1957.  Our nation benefited because those nine young and brave students went there.

Whatever the issue, there are those who will speak up and present a challenge when needed. But many, many, many more will not.  They settle for what they believe is the “safe” route. They stay “on point.” Playing it safe is usually the biggest risk.  Often times we must go there. If we don’t, we could well find ourselves in an unacceptable environment that we quietly let grow around us.

I’m not advocating boorish, rude, or disrespectful behavior. Integrity to self and those around us must remain. Speaking up and having a true conversation is critical for the health and well-being of any organization. The effective leaders understand this. The same for relationships.

Decades ago, a dear man and at the time an assistant superintendent (I believe) of a school district outside of Boston, gave me poignant advice: “If you surround yourself with ‘yes men’ [or women] they will lead you down the primrose path to destruction.”

Most of us will never face what Martin Niemöller or Mini Jean Brown-Trickey had to endure.  But we can make a dent in our universe by standing up, speaking out, and striving to thrive. It doesn’t have to be momentous. Small, measured and well-thought out steps can be effective. And you don’t have to go there alone. A coach, a mentor, a counselor, a friend, a spiritual leader or a family member can guide you. Who can help you? Who can you help?

Being courageous does not mean lack of fear. It means that we persevere in the face of fear. It is not always easy to be brave; it can be scary. And it can be exhilarating. Sara Bareilles sings

And since your history of silence

Won’t do you any good,

Did you think it would?

Let your words be anything but empty

Why don’t you tell them the truth?

Might just be a great place to go.


Make it a wonderful week— H.T.R.B. as needed.

Check out my website (http://www.stevepiscitelli.com/programs.html) for programming information as well as details about upcoming webinars (http://stevepiscitelli.com/webinars.html).

 (c) 2014. Steve Piscitelli. All rights reserved.


About stevepiscitelli

Community Advocate-Author-Pet Therapy Team Member
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8 Responses to (#192) Be Brave and Go There

  1. I need to hit the re-set button–NOW! Thanks for the reminder, Steve, and for the good word about speaking out, which I have been known to do!


  2. Art says:

    Fear of my ideas on speaking out , I see, is really hampering with life as this video has shown me. I have great ideas and speaking abilities but of rejection by those who do not understand or those who don not like my ideas have been a problem for me. Some how or another I have to find the courage to do what I feel is right. It may not be totally right but my opinion should be expressed. This video has had a affect on me in that way. Change is made by standing up and not accepting what is wrong by speaking out with they’re opinion and providing logic as to why they’re opinion should be considered. I need to find that way of thinking and let my fear of being rejected or being ridiculed go. If I do that, I honestly feel I can make a difference. .


  3. jujubee83 says:

    This was a great read. I’m a very outspoken person, but it took me years to realize that sometimes keeping quite and going with the flow just builds and builds to an even bigger mess. Sometimes doing what you feel is right in your heart isn’t what others see as the right choice in their eyes, but thats ok.


  4. sherriberry25 says:

    ”know when to pick your battles” has always been a saying I like to use especially when I’m at work and a customers are mad and upset. I Think this topic hit me on the head. thank you for sharing.


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