
A 60-Second Introduction (Give or Take a Few Seconds)


Advocates for community resilience by helping community members create a safe place to explore, stretch, learn, fail, and grow.

Facilitates pragmatic conversations to help raise awareness, challenge assumptions, and create actions about their environments.

Focuses on the practical not the theoretical.

Recognizes you as “thought leaders” with valuable insights about your community.

Lives the mantra: Life is too short to associate with negative people, pessimistic attitudes, and breaking news alerts.

Love where I live, who I live with, and what I do.

Takes time to build authentic relationships rather than manipulative exchanges.

Has written fourteen books, written and recorded two music CDs, writes a weekly blog (approaching its tenth year), produced a monthly podcast channel (50 episodes), and created original videos for his YouTube channel (for ten years).

For nearly five years, he visited a community hospital, community hospice, local schools, and the Jacksonville International Airport as part of a nationally certified pet therapy team with his dog, Roxie. (Roxie transitioned to the Rainbow Bridge in 2023.)

Is honored when any group invites him to share time with its members.
Click here to view a longer introduction of Steve.

Steve is not a life coach and does not provide legal advice.
He facilitates conversations and helps your teams raise and confront important questions about what they do, why they do it, and how they do it.

9 Responses to About

  1. Sarah says:

    Hello Steve — Thank you for your thoughtful answer to my question on LinkedIn. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to reading more. Take care! -Sarah


  2. betsy valentino says:

    Hey Steve, you’ll never guess who, but I am looking forward to your webinars starting in july. want to try to unjumble or clean house, its all the clutter in my daily life —I am merely being “re-active” to the everyday stuff. want to focus on a re-birth or self discovery of sorts. be inspired to wake up and feel the desire to learn, try, fail, suceed and maybe amaze myself.


    • Hey, Betsy! Great to hear from you. Glad you will be part of the webinar(s). We will touch on what (I am sure) you already know…maybe we just need to tap that great reserve of talent and desire you have. Sounds like you have the awareness…time to set a plan and take action–and believe in what you can do. Stay focused on Betsy…stay focused on the six dimensions of life… And stay in touch. 🙂


  3. Mimi Folk says:

    Steve… Your blog has been something for which I am grateful each week. You give me ideas to chew on, frequent smiles, and on occasion, reasons to dig deeper into my own relationships with students and my own beliefs.

    Thanks! (And happy New Year)


  4. Cesar Hernandez says:

    Hey there, Steve! I want to thank you for the blog and the “Study Skills: Do I Really Need This Stuff?” book! I learned a lot from attending college to proper time management with your advice and teachings within the textbook.


  5. Corya says:

    Hello Steve, I thought you might like to know that a student plagiarized your blog post #59 Lessons from “Larry Crowne” in response to an assignment on watching and analyzing the movie. I hope he learns a lesson from the experience of being “found out” and the bonus is that I have found out about you. Your blogs and books look interesting and may help me if I continue to teach at the college level. The past 30 years have had their ups and downs. Teaching a speech course on Zoom during the pandemic does present its challenges!! Any advice for keeping it real???


    • Hi, Corya. Oh, that brings back memories. I taught for 33 years–the last 20+ at Florida State College at Jacksonville. I had used “turnitin.com” (I think that was the site). Love your diligence. Glad the student found my post of “help.” You know, I did online teaching (before it was known as “virtual”) back in the early 2000s. Always found it a challenge–especially because I enjoyed the F2F environment. Nothing like the classroom. Speech online must be quite the challenge. Thank you for reaching out. Maybe a few my posts will help your students with student/life-success skills (including study skills). My students and my speaking engagements inspired many of my posts. If it helps, I have a YouTube channel with a lot student success videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/PiscitelliSings/playlists?view=1). Also, my videos–short for the most part on a lot of topics (including 50 podcast episodes): https://www.youtube.com/user/PiscitelliSings/videos. As for keeping it real…wow…great question. I offer the following with humility. If you been in the craft for 30+ years you have teaching chops I am sure. You have tools and strategies. I taught history and student success classes. The way I kept it real (attempted to keep it real) was by ALWAY (as in every class session) tie whatever we studying/dissecting that day to the students lives off campus. My promise to them was I would always bring in relationships–and I would depend on them to bring in relationships to the material. I used videos every class–but not like some teachers who just turn the video on and let it run for an hour. Most of mine were clips of a couple minutes–just to get the juices flowing. I did my best to never start class the same way. I might start with a video or a quote or a current event or a student question or a campus event or a group activity (much more difficult online for sure) or a question about the homework or brainstorming or question-storming. The point was that it was always different. One other thing….especially toward the end of my teaching career I came to rely on my 7 Rs for success. These came to be the basis of two mo my most recent books. Maybe there is nugget or two for you in this: https://thegrowthandresiliencenetwork.net/seven-core-values/. Not sure if any of that is of any use. Thanks for asking. BTW: At what college are you teaching?


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