(#117) Say What You Mean. Mean What You Say. Do What You Say.

Sometimes watching political campaigns is like watching a middle school class election.
(But that might be too hard on the middle schoolers.)

I am sure you have often heard people speak words that they don’t back up with action. Whether a co-worker, a friend, a celebrity, or a politician, we have all listened to someone say something that differs from what that person does.  Words become the reality.

Example.  What is said: “I want to hear all about your vacation!”  What is done: The inquiring person continues to check her phone for text messages while you are talking.

More than likely you have been guilty of a transgression or two in this area. I know I have to monitor myself to remain true to my word.

Example. What I say: “I really need to slow down and take time for daily meditation.”  What I do:  I continue running full throttle and say I’ll take time next week. Major disconnect between words and actions. Really, Steve?

Image: FreeDigitalPhots.net

The other night, an example of the disparity of words and action jumped at me from the television. I took a break from the computer and listened to some of the primary election results. When the results were announced for one of the contests, I shook my head and said to no one in particular, “Really?”

My reaction was to a “just in!” news item. The victorious candidate in this race released a victory statement praising his opponent as a man with “a record of accomplishment.”  The reporter then went on to report that the victorious candidate and his opponent were really disappointed that the campaign had turned ugly. “It’s something we really never wanted. We didn’t anticipate the race going this way,” said the victor in his election night remarks.

I had no dog in the hunt.  I did not favor one candidate. Both have “a record of accomplishment.”  But again, I have to ask, “Really?”  So, you are telling me two adults who did NOT want to do something had no control over the mudslinging in their campaigns?  Really?  And they both want to represent us and make laws that will affect our lives? They just cannot help themselves.  Really?

Video recommendation for the week:

Maybe the Moody Blues said it best:

Think about the words that you’re using
Speak for yourself
Say what’s on your mind
Think about the life that you’re choosing.

It happens with Democrats and it happens with Republicans. And it will happen in the presidential race (already is).   Our candidate is running on the record. Their candidate is negative. Is it only mudslinging if the other candidate does it to our candidate. If our candidate does it, then he is just stating the facts.  Really?

A friend of mine who is very involved in local party politics told me that unfortunately negative campaigning proves to be effective. I have heard that so often that it has lost any impact.  Is that another example of what we say—but do not mean? We want a clean race on the issues but we accept the mud as a necessary evil? And then we condemn the same mud?

Great example for our kids. Sometimes watching political campaigns is like watching a middle school class election.  (But that might be too hard on the middle schoolers.)

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

 I am NOT picking on the politicians. We see it in all walks of life. I see it in higher education.  In this political season we do see it play out on television, radio, and the Internet with nauseating frequency.  I think I am wearing out my remote’s mute button from hitting it every time another “vote-for-me” ad pops up.



A simplified version of a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote might guide us the best, “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”

Enjoy your week—and H.T.R.B.as needed!

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About stevepiscitelli

Community Advocate-Author-Pet Therapy Team Member
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3 Responses to (#117) Say What You Mean. Mean What You Say. Do What You Say.

  1. Pingback: (#136) A Blogger’s Retrospective: 2012 in Review « Steve Piscitelli's Blog

  2. Byron says:

    Very soon this website will be famous among all blogging visitors,
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  3. Pingback: (#136) A Blogger’s Retrospective: 2012 in Review | Steve Piscitelli

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