#11 Help Others Find Their Happy Places

A few weeks back I wrote a blog titled “Finding Your Happy Place.”  I made the point that many things can drive us to distraction if we let them.  My short list included: work stresses, relationship issues, economic woes, environmental concerns, health challenges, and political frustrations.  These things (and more) can grind people down day after day. I then posed the question “Wouldn’t it be nice, if people could find a place—physically or emotionally—were they could back away from the stresses of life and recharge—even if for a few moments? A place that would bring a bit of peace—a slice of happiness.  In other words, finding their own happy place!”
For this blog, I would like to pose a few random thoughts about how we can help co-workers, friends, and family members find (or maintain) their happy place.  In no particular order:

  • Brighten up the office—place flowers on your desk. Leave a flower on co-workers desk.
  • Bring flowers home.
  • Buy a cup of coffee or can of soda and share a few moments of conversation.
  • Going to the mailroom? Pick up a package/mail for a colleague.
  • Set a lunch date.
  • Extend a sincere compliment.
  • Send a congratulatory email about a recent accomplishment.
  • Recognize an accomplishment in the next staff meeting.
  • Send a birthday card–written in your hand and with a personal message. For managers, don’t delegate this to your assistant; do it yourself.
  • Send a personal birthday greeting via email.
  • Laugh.
  • Ask-listen-ask. That is, ask questions about the other person; listen to her answer; respond with another question about that person.  The conversation is not about you.
  • Send an anonymous thank you card acknowledging a certain contribution of the person.
  • Talk–really talk–to the custodian, cafeteria cashier, parking lot attendant. Say thank you!
  • Surprise someone–buy coffee for the person behind you in line.
  • Squelch gossip.
  • Respond to requests, voicemail, email in a timely and appropriate manner
  • Give people their space.
  • Smile.

Recognition and civility do not need to cost money or take lots of time. Thank you notes or pats on the back can have incredible results for the recipient—and the person extending the recognition.

What do you do?

© Steve Piscitelli and Steve Piscitelli’s Blog, 2010.

About stevepiscitelli

Community Advocate-Author-Pet Therapy Team Member
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14 Responses to #11 Help Others Find Their Happy Places

  1. Tamara D says:

    It is so true, instead of always trying to make my day and make sure that I laughed, the least I can do is make someone else happy for a change. I know how it feels to have something unexpected and nice happen to me. The feeling is very uplifiting, if I could make someone feel good and uplifting for just one day then I believe I have done something worthwhile here on Earth.


  2. Keanna R. says:

    Being the good in someone else’s life every once in a while is inspiring. There’s nothing like a nice compliment or a thoughtful gift to brighten up someone’s day.


  3. Gary Lee Stanley says:

    COOL! Life is good it is all in the way you fake it. Ha ha Ha ha. I am glad that my life has had more positive than negatives. My happy place is in the gym. its a place to unwind it is a place were I can leave my stresses all behind. and feel my blues away
    . Thank you God.


  4. Ange Desprez says:

    You are absolutely correct. Doing something for others rather for than for yourself is not also generous but genuine. We should all find time out of our normal routine to “extend a sincere compliment” or to just sit back with someone and enjoy their company.


  5. kitty m says:

    I totaly agree. Doing something nice for anyone other than yourself should make you feel good. My happy place is the gym. It is somewhere i can actually think without being interupted and just a stress reliever for me.


  6. Lavern says:

    All you have to do to help someone find their happy place is to follow the golden rule”do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”You treat them nice, they treat someone else nice and the cycle continues.Happy,Happy,Happy!


  7. Kevin says:

    I had not read this blog before today. My mother celebrated her 76th birthday recently. Yesterday I went to a florist to send flowers to a friend and family because of a death. While there the arrangements were so beautiful and colorful, I decided to surprise my mother with an arrangement. Your blog mentions ways to help someone to a happy place by sending flowers. My mom called later saying how nice the flowers were. I could tell by her voice that this really made her day which in turn made me feel good.


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